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about me:

my name is dolev moore,

based in Berlin.

passionate about traditional wood working, love challenging and unique projects, belive in team work and collaboration.



started my journey with wood working professionally in 2008 working in a patios and decks construction team in Israel.


2010 I went to california to build houses in timber frame method, Also learned about milling lamber and making windows and doors.


2011 working in a carpentery making cabinets and furniture. 


2014 I opened an independent business for outdoor wooden constructions and full wood furniture.


2018 finished "eco ecouner therapy" studies,

then I began to give workshops for wood working with hand tools to a variety of people, based on a method I call carpentherapy. 

the workshops are customised to the group and everyone can participate. 


through the years the workshops became bigger part of my business but always kept on building and making custom furniture. 


In the last 2 years I was working in an outdoor kitchens company as a team leader and got to work with different materials as aluminium, tiles, bricks, cement, stone and mineral plaster.

dolev moore carpentherapy
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